What I pack for Skiing

Some people absolutely hate packing and find it to be the most stressful part of travel. But for me, it's strangely uplifting. There's something about folding clothes neatly, packing toiletries into zip-lock bags, and choosing accessories to match every outfit that gives me immense joy. Rather than being exhausted, I get even more excited to travel. Since most (if not all) of my vacations are spent on snow-covered mountains, I thought I'd share what I take with me whenever I go skiing.


Warm Hat // Thin gloves
Thermal Mug (for drinking tea or hot cocoa by the fireplace after a long day) // Scarves


Quarter-zips sweaters // Long underwear // Casual Sweaters
Comfy pajamas // Puffer Vests // Swimwear
Regular Socks // Snow boots // Ski socks


Skis // Ski jacket // Helmet (loving my new one) // Thick gloves

Other things I make sure to pack....
Hand lotion (an essential in the dry climate of the mountains)
Lip balm
Argon oil (to tame my helmet-hair at the end of the day)
Hair ties (for braiding)
Sunscreen (to protect my face on those sunny ski days)

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