May Madness

I think 99% of us would agree that the month of May is perhaps the craziest of the year. With final projects, speeches, final exams, summer class registration, job hunts, interviews, and vacation planning, who has time to think? Is it possible to manage it all and remain completely sane? Yes, but it's not easy- here are my go-to tactics for managing May Madness.

1) Detailed To-Do Lists
          If I don't write it down, it doesn't happen. Why try to juggle it all in your head when you can keep all your odds & ends in a cute journal? Plus, who else loves the satisfaction of checking off items on your to-do lists just for the heck of it?!

2) Google Calendars with Reminders on my Cell Phone
          I literally live by Google Calendars. Total life saver. End of story.

3) Sleep
          This cannot be stressed enough. Easier said than done, I know. However, find a routine that works for you and try your very best to stick to it. 'Early to bed, early to rise' is my new mantra- and surprisingly it works and I feel better than ever before.

4) Some Time for Myself
          I consider time for myself to be spending time with friends, spending time outdoors, watching a few episodes of Gossip Girl, going for a run, journaling, blogging, and sometimes, even squeezing in a nap. Don't feel bad about taking time for yourself, just do it in moderation. :)

5) Coffee
          If anyone knows me they know I can't go without my Starbucks on the road or Westrock Coffee every morning! I'm always on the lookout for new coffee recipes to try- like Chocolate Coffee Floats for instance! If anyone has a sweet tooth, I highly recommend it! Check out Westrock's Blog for tons of fun, easy recipes!

That's all for now, friends!


From Crop to Cup

What little things each day can you do to make a difference in the lives of others? I'm a Westrock Coffee Ambassador and I'm calling out to all of you coffee-drinkers: if you are going to drink coffee every day, why not choose to be sustainable and purchase from a company that is truly focused on improving the lives of others?

Through honest, direct trade with our coffee farmers and being a part of the entire coffee supply chain (exporting, trading and roasting the coffee), Westrock is able to ensure that our farmers are paid a proper wage for their crops and our that we are delivering high-quality coffee to the consumer - from crop to cup! 

That being said- I encourage YOU to take the small step in making a difference in the lives of others by purchasing Westrock coffee to keep changing the lives of these farmers and their families. #FromCropToCup

Life-Changing Coffee

Why I Choose Westrock Coffee

If I'm going to drink coffee every day, why not purchase coffee that is ethically sourced? Westrock Coffee Company, based in North Little Rock, Arkansas, starts at the origin. They work together with farming communities, with partnerships in Nicaragua, Peru, Brazil, Ethiopia, Rwanda, & Tanzania, to provide real returns for farmers and their families. Westrock ethically sources coffee from smallholder farmers across the globe. #OneCommonGoal #FromCropToCup

Fair, Direct Trade

Westrock personally connects with farmers to offer higher compensation based on the coffee's quality, as well as training and educational opportunities. Through Westrock's Agribusiness Training Program, they are able to teach farmers improved agricultural practices in an environmentally and socially sustainable way. These partnerships provide opportunities for the farmer's and their families to have access to education, clean water, and healthcare. 

Linking Community to Community 

Westrock's goal is to be a catalyst for change in the lives of farmers and their families through honest, direct trade. The end result is sustainable growth at the origin and a quality product for consumers.

Where Can I Buy Westrock Coffee?

Food City
Winn Dixie
King Soopers

- Morgan

Realistic Resolutions


Below are some ideas for resolutions that are doable and fun to lead you to your best self.

1. Have 10 minutes of quiet time each day. No phone, no computer, no distractions. Just you and some silence to clear you mind, relax, and collect your thoughts.

2. Build exercise into your daily routine. Take the stairs. Walk instead of riding the bus. Do calf-raises or squats while you brush your teeth. A little cardio here and there adds up.

3. Journal. I'll be the first to admit that I have the worst hand writing and my journal entries aren't visually appealing. However, getting your thoughts out on paper can be beneficial for self reflection and relieving built-up stress.

4. Stretch in the mornings. Slowly develop your own routine. Stretching is a great way to wake yourself up and it feels amazing.

5. Watch 20 minutes of Netflix every day. This is a personal goal for me because it helps me de-stress a little throughout the day and stay up to date on my favorite series. 

6. Read a little each day. Books, newspapers, food labels, magazines, blogs, anything. Just read more. Easy enough. 

7. Say I love you and thank you more often. Let people know they are appreciated.

8. Be intentional. If you say you're going to do something, do it. If you want or need something, say it. Be more straightforward. This saves you some time and stress.

9. Be spontaneous. Drive an hour to surprise your best friend. Order dessert. Go out for pizza at 3am. Do crazy things and be proud of it. 

10. Appreciate your surroundings. When's the last time you star-gazed? When's the last time you stared in awe of the mountains or the shore? Cuddled your pet? Hugged your parents? Time flies and half the time we're too caught up with materialistic things we forget how lucky we are. 


50 Things I Love

I’d like to kick off the New Year by reflecting on 2017 and sharing 50 random things I love (in no particular order).

  1. Picnics at sunset
  2. Early morning walks (has to be before 7 a.m.)
  3. Finishing a book (I have a bad habit of starting books and not finishing them)
  4. Clinique Happy perfume
  5. Planning trips
  6. Collecting mugs
  7. Donuts
  8. The movie, Sisters
  9. Spontaneous road trips
  10. Black skinny jeans
  11. My large, crazy, & dysfunctional family
  12. Anything coconut- food, lotion, perfume, etc.
  13. The song, Young Dumb and Broke
  14. Crumb cakes
  15. My soulmate and best friend, Carly Porter
  16. Red roses
  17. Ice skating
  18. Mango smoothies
  19. Homemade chocolate chip cookies
  20. My mom
  21. Black dresses
  22. Shemar Moore
  23. New Girl
  24. Shrimp tacos
  25. Iced dirty chai lattes
  26. Hiking
  27. Hand-written notes
  28. The Best of Me by Nicholas Sparks
  29. Avocado & egg toast
  30. Snow
  31. Drive-in movie theaters
  32. Evergreen trees
  33. Gold jewelry
  34. Laying out and watching the stars
  35. Late night talks
  36. Sushi
  37. Jillian Michaels workout DVDs
  38. Dallas Cowboys
  39. Science (nerdy, I know)
  40. Long drives (preferably early in the morning)
  41. Musicals
  42. Red lipstick
  43. Glitter
  44. The Color Run
  45. Fluffy cats
  46. The feeling of sand in my toes
  47. Kayaking
  48. Freshly cut wood
  49. Cinnamon
  50. Saying I love you

I am grateful for new beginnings in 2018. 2017 was a rough year for my family, and I am ready to put 2017 behind me and have a fresh start. I had too many great memories to count, I survived my first semester of college, gained the most wonderful friends, and discovered some new passions. 365 New Days, 365 New Chances. Make 2018 the best one yet.


Kayaking in Boothbay Harbor

My family has always been into outdoor activities and kayaking is no exception. Here are few memories from out kayaking experience in Boothbay Harbor, Maine. We sailed out to a small island with a beautiful view before coming back into the quaint little seaside town for lunch. The blueberry buckle at the streetside cafe was the best part. Would definitely recommend.

The blueberry buckle we had over lunch (gone in less than a minute).
Boothbay Harbor, Maine

Sailing in Maine

As someone who has an unhealthy obsession with navy stripes and boat shoes, it's surprising that I've never gone sailing before. But today, I had the opportunity to check off my bucket list the item that was long overdue. My family and I took an introduction to sailing lesson, spending 4 hours on a windy boat. It was a ton of fun! Also more complicated than you would think. But the best part was definitely the up-close view of the classic Maine shore.

Portland, Maine