Realistic Resolutions


Below are some ideas for resolutions that are doable and fun to lead you to your best self.

1. Have 10 minutes of quiet time each day. No phone, no computer, no distractions. Just you and some silence to clear you mind, relax, and collect your thoughts.

2. Build exercise into your daily routine. Take the stairs. Walk instead of riding the bus. Do calf-raises or squats while you brush your teeth. A little cardio here and there adds up.

3. Journal. I'll be the first to admit that I have the worst hand writing and my journal entries aren't visually appealing. However, getting your thoughts out on paper can be beneficial for self reflection and relieving built-up stress.

4. Stretch in the mornings. Slowly develop your own routine. Stretching is a great way to wake yourself up and it feels amazing.

5. Watch 20 minutes of Netflix every day. This is a personal goal for me because it helps me de-stress a little throughout the day and stay up to date on my favorite series. 

6. Read a little each day. Books, newspapers, food labels, magazines, blogs, anything. Just read more. Easy enough. 

7. Say I love you and thank you more often. Let people know they are appreciated.

8. Be intentional. If you say you're going to do something, do it. If you want or need something, say it. Be more straightforward. This saves you some time and stress.

9. Be spontaneous. Drive an hour to surprise your best friend. Order dessert. Go out for pizza at 3am. Do crazy things and be proud of it. 

10. Appreciate your surroundings. When's the last time you star-gazed? When's the last time you stared in awe of the mountains or the shore? Cuddled your pet? Hugged your parents? Time flies and half the time we're too caught up with materialistic things we forget how lucky we are. 


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