May Madness

I think 99% of us would agree that the month of May is perhaps the craziest of the year. With final projects, speeches, final exams, summer class registration, job hunts, interviews, and vacation planning, who has time to think? Is it possible to manage it all and remain completely sane? Yes, but it's not easy- here are my go-to tactics for managing May Madness.

1) Detailed To-Do Lists
          If I don't write it down, it doesn't happen. Why try to juggle it all in your head when you can keep all your odds & ends in a cute journal? Plus, who else loves the satisfaction of checking off items on your to-do lists just for the heck of it?!

2) Google Calendars with Reminders on my Cell Phone
          I literally live by Google Calendars. Total life saver. End of story.

3) Sleep
          This cannot be stressed enough. Easier said than done, I know. However, find a routine that works for you and try your very best to stick to it. 'Early to bed, early to rise' is my new mantra- and surprisingly it works and I feel better than ever before.

4) Some Time for Myself
          I consider time for myself to be spending time with friends, spending time outdoors, watching a few episodes of Gossip Girl, going for a run, journaling, blogging, and sometimes, even squeezing in a nap. Don't feel bad about taking time for yourself, just do it in moderation. :)

5) Coffee
          If anyone knows me they know I can't go without my Starbucks on the road or Westrock Coffee every morning! I'm always on the lookout for new coffee recipes to try- like Chocolate Coffee Floats for instance! If anyone has a sweet tooth, I highly recommend it! Check out Westrock's Blog for tons of fun, easy recipes!

That's all for now, friends!
