My List

With my college applications finally coming to an close, I've started dreaming of the things I could do with my free time. So in honor of 2017 coming around the corner, I humbly present to you My List: a constantly growing compilation of things I hope/plan to do in the near future.

Dream big, friends!


Run a half marathon
Run  full marathon
Participate in a triathlon
Go sub 1:25 in 100 breaststroke


Try going vegan for 10 days
Eliminate processed foods for a month
Attend a yoga class


Visit Rome
Visit London
Visit Paris
Ski at Whistler-Blackcomb
Ski in Japan
Ski with friends
Go on a cruise
Visit all 50 states


Go sailing in Maine
Ice skate on a frozen pond
Swim with dolphins
Go indoor skydiving
Join a ski team
Ski down a mountain peak
Ski down a double black diamond (out west)


Help turtles hatch and make it to the ocean
Hand out "care-kits" to homeless people
Read books to children in the Philippines


Get a dog
Get married
Live in the Northeast
Live next to a frozen pond for ice skating
Name a daughter Cadence


Learn to figure skate
Successfully make croissants from scratch
Create beautiful latte art
Become fluent in Spanish
Read Tagalog fluently


Graduate from college
Graduate from medical school
Work at J. Crew
Work as a barista
Work as a mountain doctor


Start a blog

Quotes to brighten your day

Hello everyone! I hope you all have been having a great week. I only wish I could say the same for myself but I've honestly been so bogged down with school work and college applications. I thought I'd share my favorite quotes for inspiration in case any of you have been having a week like mine, or if you just need some uplifting :)

December To Do's

Anyone who knows me knows I have an slight obsession with creating lists: packing lists, gift lists, shopping lists, you name it. But by far the most common has to be To Do lists. For me, there's nothing more satisfying than putting an X in a box next to a completed task. So I thought, why not create even more of them, but make them enjoyable.