December To Do's

Anyone who knows me knows I have an slight obsession with creating lists: packing lists, gift lists, shopping lists, you name it. But by far the most common has to be To Do lists. For me, there's nothing more satisfying than putting an X in a box next to a completed task. So I thought, why not create even more of them, but make them enjoyable.

Inspired by Evelyn Henson, I've decided that at the beginning of each month, I'll make and share a compilation of fun things to do. I'll be using some of her ideas as well as adding a few of my own. So for this month, here are some things to try in December:

1. Bake and decorate cookies with friends or family

2. Add too many marshmallows to a drink (I will definitely be completing this one)

3. Take a picture by a tree with lots of light

4. Make a homemade holiday drink (peppermint mocha, here I come)

5. Spread Christmas cheer by caroling

6. Buy a gift for someone in need

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