Coffee In Carborro

Today, I had my first college alumni interview at the Grey Squirrel Coffee Company in Carrboro and I'm glad to say that it went very well! I came in not really knowing what to expect, as this was my first college interview, but I was wonderfully surprised.

Skiing in Montana

Big Sky, Montana
Every January for as long as I can remember, it's been my family's tradition to take time off school and work to go skiing. For a whole week, my parents attend medical conferences at a ski resort and my brother and I enjoy full-day ski lessons. Due to the hustle and bustle of my junior year, we were't able to go last winter. But this year, I was beyond ecstatic to return to our favorite resort for the last time before I graduate. Here are a few highlights from our trip...
Big Sky Resort, Montana

January To Do List

Happy new year friends! Can you believe it's already 2017? The past year has been so busy for me with college applications and such, I've hardly noticed the time go by. While I definitely enjoyed many parts of 2016, it's also very refreshing to open my planner to a brand new page. That's what I love most about resetting the calendarthe opportunity to reflect on the past as well as plan what's to come. As they say, "New chances. Same dreams. Fresh starts." That said, here are some things to make sure to try in January!