January To Do List

Happy new year friends! Can you believe it's already 2017? The past year has been so busy for me with college applications and such, I've hardly noticed the time go by. While I definitely enjoyed many parts of 2016, it's also very refreshing to open my planner to a brand new page. That's what I love most about resetting the calendarthe opportunity to reflect on the past as well as plan what's to come. As they say, "New chances. Same dreams. Fresh starts." That said, here are some things to make sure to try in January!

1. Write down your new years resolutions and goals for the coming year

2. Play in the snow (bonus points for building a snowman)

3. Go ice skating with friends

4. Go alpine skiing (I definitely suggest trying this one!)

5. Have hot chocolate with extra marshmallows (you can never have too many)

6. Enjoy a nice warm bubble bath

7. Try a new type of exercise

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