February To Do List

It's that time of year again when boxes of delicately wrapped chocolates decorate the fronts of stores and red roses are sold in bunches by the dozen. Everything this time of year seems to be some shade of pink or red (including my nose) but I don't mind at all. I love February! The chilly weather lets me continue wearing my favorite winter outfits and Valentines Day gives me an excuse to bake treats. Here are some things you can enjoy, whether or not you have someone special on the 14th. 

1. Go to Bruegger's on Feb. 2nd and get 3 free bagels (because who doesn't love free food?!)

2. Give hugs sincerely and more often

3. Bake treats and hand then out (love these  heart-shaped sugar cookies and these  cakepops)

4. Wear something red or pink

5. Have a cozy potluck dinner with friends

6. Write a note to someone you love (it doesn't have to be romantic, it can be to a friend or family member)

7. Watch a cheesy romantic movie

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