Kayaking in Boothbay Harbor

My family has always been into outdoor activities and kayaking is no exception. Here are few memories from out kayaking experience in Boothbay Harbor, Maine. We sailed out to a small island with a beautiful view before coming back into the quaint little seaside town for lunch. The blueberry buckle at the streetside cafe was the best part. Would definitely recommend.

The blueberry buckle we had over lunch (gone in less than a minute).
Boothbay Harbor, Maine

Sailing in Maine

As someone who has an unhealthy obsession with navy stripes and boat shoes, it's surprising that I've never gone sailing before. But today, I had the opportunity to check off my bucket list the item that was long overdue. My family and I took an introduction to sailing lesson, spending 4 hours on a windy boat. It was a ton of fun! Also more complicated than you would think. But the best part was definitely the up-close view of the classic Maine shore.

Portland, Maine

Park City, Canyons

To no ones surprise, my family's spring break trip this year was yet another ski vacation. This time we visited Park City in Utah. Despite being one of the most well-known resorts, this was only our first time skiing. But definitely not the last. For its great combination of challenging terrain, diverse restaurants, and good shopping, Park City/Canyons lands a spot in my top 5 favorite ski resorts.

By far my favorite run and view from the Canons side of the resort. We were especially lucky to have skied there on the beautiful sunny day. If you look closely, you can see my brother wiped out on the side.

What's a ski vacation without the classic family picture?

Nothing like a warm frothy drink to finish a long ski day. This small coffee shop on the side of the mountain made delicious (and beautiful) cappuccinos.

On the first restaurants, we ate at and definitely my favorite over the whole trip. It was called Harvest and had a great assortment of healthy bowls, pastries, and specialty drinks. Next time I have to go back to try the golden milk.

My mom and I got the avocado toast. (Disclaimer, the one in the picture is hers because she chose to add bacon)

Park City, Utah

What I pack for Skiing

Some people absolutely hate packing and find it to be the most stressful part of travel. But for me, it's strangely uplifting. There's something about folding clothes neatly, packing toiletries into zip-lock bags, and choosing accessories to match every outfit that gives me immense joy. Rather than being exhausted, I get even more excited to travel. Since most (if not all) of my vacations are spent on snow-covered mountains, I thought I'd share what I take with me whenever I go skiing.

Navy Wrap Dress

With the weather reaching eighty degrees today, it looks like winter is finally coming to an end. I'm always sad to watch my favorite season go but luckily, there was a silver lining: getting to wear my one of my all-time favorite dresses!

Stationery Favorites

Is there an adjective that can describe the small thrill of opening a beautiful new agenda? Or the delight at the smoothness of your favorite pen as it glides across a page for the first time? Seeing the layers of unmarked paper signifying the new year, I always get giddy with the thought of filling them with colorful writing, sticky notes, and memories.

So for all of those who, like me, still prefer the pen and paper method in this digital world, I've rounded up my favorite stationery items that help keep my life (and desk) colorful and organized.

March To Do List

Can you believe we're already 3 months into the new year? I certainly can't. It seems like only yesterday I was writing down my New Years Resolutions plans. Speaking of which, it's often around this time of the year that we begin to settle into the routine of things, often times forgetting the goals and aspirations we committed ourselves to. So this month's To Do's are all about trying new things.

Healthy Snack Ideas

I've always been a passionate snacker, whether I'm at my desk doing homework, sitting through a lecture, or watching my favorite show. In fact, the first thing I do when I come home from school is make myself a small treat. I find that having something to nibble on while I complete my tasks makes them more bearable. Although I don't always choose healthy snacks, (I'm looking at you, nutella) I try to as often as I can because they give me more energy and keep me satisfied for longer. And with so many delicious options to try, why not eat healthy? Here are a few of my favorites.

February To Do List

It's that time of year again when boxes of delicately wrapped chocolates decorate the fronts of stores and red roses are sold in bunches by the dozen. Everything this time of year seems to be some shade of pink or red (including my nose) but I don't mind at all. I love February! The chilly weather lets me continue wearing my favorite winter outfits and Valentines Day gives me an excuse to bake treats. Here are some things you can enjoy, whether or not you have someone special on the 14th. 

Coffee In Carborro

Today, I had my first college alumni interview at the Grey Squirrel Coffee Company in Carrboro and I'm glad to say that it went very well! I came in not really knowing what to expect, as this was my first college interview, but I was wonderfully surprised.

Skiing in Montana

Big Sky, Montana
Every January for as long as I can remember, it's been my family's tradition to take time off school and work to go skiing. For a whole week, my parents attend medical conferences at a ski resort and my brother and I enjoy full-day ski lessons. Due to the hustle and bustle of my junior year, we were't able to go last winter. But this year, I was beyond ecstatic to return to our favorite resort for the last time before I graduate. Here are a few highlights from our trip...
Big Sky Resort, Montana

January To Do List

Happy new year friends! Can you believe it's already 2017? The past year has been so busy for me with college applications and such, I've hardly noticed the time go by. While I definitely enjoyed many parts of 2016, it's also very refreshing to open my planner to a brand new page. That's what I love most about resetting the calendarthe opportunity to reflect on the past as well as plan what's to come. As they say, "New chances. Same dreams. Fresh starts." That said, here are some things to make sure to try in January!